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Tuesday 1 June 2010

Screamo Kids

Do you know what kind of music kids listen to nowadays? They call it “Screamo” and from the term itself, it does involve a lot of screaming. Personally, I don’t abhor this type of genre since I am an open – minded person when it comes to music and I listen to any genres, except for that Bieber boy who’s ruining everything nowadays. And kids, a friendly warning, don’t listen to Bieber.

Anyway, back to the screamo thing, basically, it was birthed from the D.C. Emo scene in the 90’s but is less emotional and more brutal. It still talks about emotions but not in a wimpy way. Bands that play screamo are much hardcore than the typical Emo and the arrangement of screamo songs are much technical and much complicated than the typical Emo song. Screamo bands often include synthesizers and techno beats on their music.

Metalcore is sometimes associated with Screamo because most screamo bands have transcended to the metalcore genre, leaving behind the Emo scene and transferring to a more aggressive form of screamo. Metalcore puts emphasis on breakdowns and synchronized moves and the fashion statement.

The genre spawned cults of followers as well as critics, going as far as stating that these kind of thing should not be considered music and that these bands put fashion first before passion. That is their opinion about it. For me, all is cool as long as their playing their stuff, as long as there are technicalities, everything’s cool with me.